Curso de Spring Boot | 9. Tests unitarios con JUnit

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@Transactional // Esta anotación significa que las operación se realizarán contra la base de datos que utiliza la aplicación (y luego se desharán)
class HelpinghandslocationApplicationTests {
	private LocationRepository locationRepository;

	private LocationController locationController;

	@Test // Esta anotación significa que el contenido de la anotación es un test
	@Order(1) // Podemos establecer el orden en el que se realizarán los tests (si no lo específicamos, el orden será aleatorio)
	void addLocationViaController(){
		LocationTagDTO testlocationTagDTO = new LocationTagDTO("Test Name1", 1.1,1.1, "Test Address1", List.of(2L,5L));
		assertNotNull(locationController.saveLocations(testlocationTagDTO).getBody(), "When saving the object, it needs to be returned");

		testlocationTagDTO =  new LocationTagDTO("Test Name2", 2.2,2.2, "Test Address2", List.of(2L,7L));
		assertNotNull(locationController.saveLocations(testlocationTagDTO).getBody(), "When saving the object, it needs to be returned");


	void allLocationsReturnedWithoutTagIds(){
		long allRepositoryLocationsCount = locationRepository.count();
		assertTrue(allRepositoryLocationsCount>0, "Repository should have data!");

		List<Location> allControllerLocations = (List<Location>) locationController.getLocations(null).getBody();
		assertNotNull(allControllerLocations, "Controller should return a list");
		assertEquals(allRepositoryLocationsCount, allControllerLocations.size(), "Controller should return all locations");

	void allLocationsHaveRequestedTags(){
		List <Long> requestedTagIds = List.of(2L, 5L);
		List<Location> allControllerLocations = (List<Location>) locationController.getLocations(requestedTagIds).getBody();
		assertNotNull(allControllerLocations, "Controller should return a list");

			List<Tag> tags = location.getTags();
			List<Long> locationTagIds =;
			assertTrue(locationTagIds.containsAll(requestedTagIds), "Location tags should include all requested tags");				

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